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IMPORTANT: Failsafes define the behavior of the UAV in unusual situations. Check Failsafes settings before each flight.



Loss of communication

This fail-safe is triggered in the event of loss of communication between the ground station and the autopilot. The trigger criteria is defined as the amount of time in seconds since the last valid packet was received from the ground. When this failsafe is triggered the autopilot will attempt to fly home and then orbit at the default loiter radius.

On loss of communication you can enable "show trail" and you will see path and last location of UAV. Get the coordinates and the distance to the UAV form Flight Summary window.

It is possible but not advisable to disable this failsafe.

NOTE: If the command "Fly Home" was triggered and the current altitude is below defined Minimum Go Home Altitude, UAV would climb to the Minimum Go Home Altitude.

No GNNS lock

If the GNSS signal is lost for more then 3 seconds then the "loss of GNSS" failsafe will be triggered and UAV will start loitering at its current position. If the signal is regained then UAV can continue with its mission otherwise it will circle until the battery runs out and the parachute is deployed.

It is not possible to change behavior of this failsafe unless the failsafe is triggered during flight. If failsafe is triggered then user can disable the failsafe and manually take control over the UAV and manually fly it towards desired location and then use parachute pop button to deploy the parachute.

IMPORTANT: With C4EYE airframe and video image it is possible to manually fly back to Home point.

IMPORTANT: When GNSS lock is lost C3P can not calculate AGL anymore. Use HAL in Flight panel instead to orientate.

Minimum height above ground


Define minimum above ground level altitude (AGL) according to digital elevation model at which it is still safe to fly in the area of a flight plan.

Define above ground level altitude to which UAV should climb to if flying below minimum AGL altitude.

NOTE: Altitude Override mode with defined climb to altitude is automatically enabled when this failsafe is triggered.

Low battery

If battery voltage has reached the defined minimum the UAV would return to Home point autonomously.

NOTE: Following behavior is for Kestrel AP only. IF you are using CAP AP then failsafes continue with Critical battery and Emergency battery.

Low and critical battery levels depend of the selected airframe. When the battery level is critically low the UAV is unable to keep its position and loss of control failsafe is triggered.

IMPORTANT: When this failsafe is triggered failsafe minimum go home altitude does not work.

Critical battery

If battery voltage has reached the defined critical battery voltage the UAV will automatically proceed to LAND mode.

Emergency battery

If battery voltage has reached the defined emergency battery voltage the UAV automatically deploy the parachute.

IMPORTANT: CAP has three stage battery failsafe, to safely land the UAV before last stage.  Operate the UAV in a way to avoid Emergency failsafe.

Loss of control

If UAV cannot maintain its position or altitude the engine is powered off and parachute is deployed. Trigger conditions are the following:

• Roll angle greater than 57.3

• Roll angle less than -57.3

• Pitch angle greater than 57.3

• Pitch angle less than -45.8

• Airspeed greater than 35 m/s

You can get the coordinates and the distance to the UAV form Flight Summary window.

You cannot change behavior of this failsafe.

Minimum go home altitude

Minimum Go Home altitude is the setting that defines the minimum altitude with which the UAV can fly while on route to Home (and Rally) position. If UAV is already above Minimum Go Home altitude it will stay on its current MSL altitude while flying Home. Default value in program Settings is set to 100 m.

Minimum Go Home altitude value entered in Settings, Failsafes dialog, refers to the altitude above Home point. This value from Failsafes is added to Home MSL altitude during Sensor Init procedure. Value is recalculated if Home position is changed during the flight.

EXAMPLE: Min Go Home altitude is 100 m, Home point MSL is 100 m and UAV is flying with MSL altitude that is 150 m. In Home or Rally mode UAV would climb to desired MSL altitude that is sum of Min Go Home altitude and Home point MSL altitude. In our example this is MSL altitude of 200 m.

IMPORTANT: Failsafe is not working if low battery failsafe is triggered for old AP system.

Button DEFAULT resets the Failsafes to default state.

IMPORTANT: Always check the failsafes before flying!

IMPORTANT: In critical situation when the UAV is behaving abnormally and the operator wants for safety reasons terminate the flight use parachute pop button.

