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Manual mode

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Use MANUAL button to set autopilot in manual altitude mode either before or during the flight.

Manual mode.

Manual mode.

This mode is used before the flight to check the current control surface movement.

During the flight it is used to control the UAV manually (assisted flight with manual steer function).

Manual altitude mode

During the flight it is possible to select manual altitude mode.

Manual Altitude Mode command buttons.

Manual Altitude Mode command buttons.

In this mode a pilot sets the direction, altitude or speed of the UAV ether by using buttons from the program main window or by using provided gamepad controller.

The UAV holds commanded roll angle, cruise airspeed and altitude. Roll keys are ←, →. Altitude keys are ↑, ↓. Cruise airspeed keys are -, +. It is possible to set roll angle of up to 30 degrees (positive and negative angles). Notice your current roll angle on the virtual horizon of the program's main window. Speed maximum value depends on the selected airframe (22 m/s).

Predicting line

In manual mode predicting line of UAV heading is shown.

Predicting line.

Predicting line.

Red line is showing the predicted path of the UAV.

If the operator zooms out also yellow line is shown. Red line shows the predicted two minute flight path, yellow line shows ten minutes predicted flightpath.