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Overview of UAV's

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The C-Astral UAV's are based on a blended wing body modular airframe, with the emphasis on the smallest possible T/O weight, advanced aerodynamics, electric propulsion, endurance, ergonomic and user friendly ground control station, durability and mobility. The airframe is manufactured with CAD/CAM technology from advanced composite materials (Kevlar / Carbon / Honeycomb combination) that provides a high level of survivability. The airframe allows for multiple payload combinations and endurance/range options, including an optional on-board video and data recorder.

The system can be safely operated by one operator/pilot in command, but a crew of two is desirable for situational awareness purposes and where regulations require so.

The sensor modularity is ensured by the modular construction of the airframe, which allows for multiple payload combinations and endurance/range options, including an on-board video and data recorder (EO/IR gimbal, fixed orthophotography DSLR camera and a lower cost front/side looking EO or IR combination, advanced environmental monitoring sensors).

The system consists of the air vehicle with the chosen sensor fuselage package, a foldable catapult and a GCS unit.

The whole system fits into two rugged transportation cases or two backpacks with the ground control station terminal embedded in an industry standard rugged enclosure and is flight ready in less than five minutes.

IMPORTANT: Overall knowledge of handling this system is acquired on the basis of this manual and by attending the C-Astral theoretical and field training. The minimum safety requirement for safe flight and use is achieved only when the crew completes the basic training, training validation and has been issued a C-Astral’s operators certificate.

Bramor ppX airframe.

Bramor ppX airframe.

Bramor C4Eye airframe.

Bramor C4Eye airframe.

Atlas ppX airframe.

Atlas ppX airframe.

Atlas C4Eye airframe.

Atlas C4Eye airframe.