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C³P software

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With C-Astral Pilot C³P software you can plan your UAV flight missions, control the flight and collect geospatial data.

The best way to learn something is by actually doing it, so we suggest you to start learning through the simple mission planning guide in our Start simple chapter. You will create simple flight plan, simulate the flight and perform the basic commands you must be familiar with in order to fly your UAV.


Ergonomic touch screen GUI with

odisplay of UAV telemetry data and real time system health monitoring

odisplay of flight plan, flight trajectory, and current UAV position

odisplay of real-time camera feedback including display of camera FOV on the map

ovisual warnings and synthesized speech audio warnings and flight information

oquickly accessible command buttons and vital commands

oswitching between pre-configured (autonomous, semi-manual/manual mode) or real-time control modes

ofailsafe management


omulti-language support

Seamless and fast mission planning

omission planning tools with unit conversion support

oterrain proximity warning tool

ographical flight profile display

omission and flight plan management

omultiple maps and custom map support

oDTED flight planning

oarea, mission time, GSD, and precision estimation

oExport of a flight plan in Google Earth and KML import

Flight simulator

Telemetry logging and review

Support for combined or split operator control (single or dual display, split UAV, and payload control)