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Flight summary

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Flight summary dialog is accessible through the context menu. Its values are updated during the flight and preserved after the flight has completed.

IMPORTANT: If connection is lost, flight summary will show the last known location of UAV. If C3P is restarted, the previous data will be shown until UAV is connected.


Sets wind speed and heading during the flight simulation.

Sets wind speed and heading during the flight simulation.




Take-Off time

Time of Takeoff

Take-Off altitude

Altitude where the UAV was launched

Airborne time

The time that the UAV was flying.

Photos taken

Only for ppX UAS

Number of photos taken during the flight.

Distance traveled

Distance represents the actual distance traveled from UAV's launching position to the current point in time.

NOTE: Traveled distance will not be updated during the loss of communication and the restart of the program. Information about the traveled distance is lost during this period of time. Once the communication is established the previous distance will be updated with the new available data but it will not be accurate anymore.

Distance from home

Distance and azimuth from Home towards the UAV.

Landing position

Location of the UAV after landing displayed in Google Earth (values are being updated during the flight).

Wind speed and direction

Max wind during the flight and the wind direction.

Start and End battery

Battery Voltage at the beginning and at the end of the flight.

Flight summary data