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DRAW button opens menu with different flight plan drawing options.

Draw menu.

Draw menu.

In this section we will explain how to plan (and draw) a flight route by adding waypoints to the map. Are you familiar with the terms Waypoint, Flight plan and Flight line?

How to plan your flight

To create a flight plan add a number of waypoints to the map. You can add waypoints individually (WAY PTS) or by marking the area of interest (AREA PTS or STREET PTS) to automatically calculate the route.

IMPORTANT: It is very important to be familiar with the terrain characteristics like terrain elevation, peaks, vicinity of water or the height of the trees and buildings in the area.

TIP: When starting to draw a flight plan you can move Take-off, Rally and Land points to their default locations in the vicinity of Home point by pressing the Clear All button. Note that this will remove all waypoints from the map.