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In order to work in offline mode (no Internet connection) you must have maps and terrain elevation locally saved.

Terrain elevation and maps are automatically downloaded when your computer is connected to the Internet. Program will download all elevations and map tiles for the portion of the world currently visible in the C³P main window and save them locally. By zooming out new elevations and map tiles are downloaded. Please be aware that these operations can take some time. When elevation is available you will notice elevation information on the Mission Data panel. Downloading of elevations will be disabled if zoom level is below 9.

NOTE: In case that you do not want to connect to the Internet please contact C-Astral support team to assist you further. See also custom maps section.

Before going to actual location of the flight we advise you to zoom in/out around the desired location while you have Internet connection. Do this for all types of the maps you are going to use. This will download the needed portion of the map locally to your computer and you will be able to zoom in and out also when on-site and (quite often) without Internet connection. You can also do this through the prefetch option in Settings dialog under Maps tab.