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Failsafes and emergency situations

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NOTE: Please find more about configuring the Failsafes settings inside the chapter Failsafes.

Failsafes and emergency situations


Loss of communication

In case of loss of radio link with GCS do the following:

1.Check the GCS battery.

2.Check the  antenna.

3.Check the docking.

4.Ensure LOS from antenna to UAV.

NOTE: Configure failsafe Loss of communication to define time period after which the UAV will start flying towards Home position.

Low UAV battery

Failsafe trigger will automatically command the airplane to fly home. You still have up to 10 minutes to land the plane. If battery is dropping too fast pop the parachute above safe area.

1.Make sure that the UAV is flying home.

2.Prepare the landing procedure.

3.Upload the mission.

4.Press Land.

NOTE: Configure failsafe Low battery to define time period after which the UAV will start flying towards Home position.

Loss of GNSS

In case of signal loss:

1.The UAV will start to loiter after the loss of GNSS is triggered.

2.Check what are the last known coordinates of the UAV (use Flight summary dialog and Show Trail option).

3.Move to last known UAV location and spot the UAV.

4.If video signal is good fly the UAV using video.

1.Disable loss of GPS failsafe.

2.Go to manual mode.

3.Control the UAV via Joystick

4.Pop the parachute when the UAV is above safe area.

5.UAV will automatically deploy the parachute if battery voltage becomes too low.

NOTE: If you fly in poor GNSS signal area failsafe Loss of GNSS can occur.

NOTE: For ppx act according to the checklist that came with the system.

Loss of control

1.Monitor the GCS and UAV until touchdown.

2.If communication is lost lift the GCS higher.

3.Use the last known UAV's coordinates to move closer to the UAV (use Flight summary dialog and Show Trail option).

4.Once in the proximity of the UAV try to reestablish connection and get accurate coordinates.

5.Safely retrieve the UAV.

NOTE: If UAV cannot maintain its position or altitude failsafe Loss of control will be triggered. In this case the parachute is deployed and aircraft may land far away from the desired position. It is important to write down the last UAV GPS coordinates before beginning the recovery.

Servo/elevon failure

If unwanted behavior, when UAV is not flying into desired direction and is creates weird helical pattern while flying while still having good GNSS lock is noticed, a failure on the servo/elevon might occur.

1.Monitor the position and direction of the UAV and determine best position to deploy parachute.

2.Once reached the best/safe position deploy the parachute in C3P.

3.Monitor the GCS and UAV until touchdown.

4.Use the last known UAV's coordinates to move closer to the UAV (use Flight summary dialog and Show Trail option).

5.Once in the proximity of the UAV try to reestablish connection and get accurate coordinates.

6.Safely retrieve the UAV.

Engine failure

If engine failure during flight is detected try to

1.Monitor the position and direction of the UAV and determine best position to deploy parachute.

2.Once reached the best/safe position deploy the parachute in C3P.

3.Monitor the GCS and UAV until touchdown.

4.Use the last known UAV's coordinates to move closer to the UAV (use Flight summary dialog and Show Trail option).

5.Once in the proximity of the UAV try to reestablish connection and get accurate coordinates.

6.Safely retrieve the UAV.

Parachute deployment failure

In extremely rare cases, when the parachute fails to deploy

1.Try to reset the parachute servo and again pop the parachute

2.Watch if the uav deploys the parachute

3.Use direction buttons to direct uav to safe grounds

4.Monitor UAV until touchdown.

5.Safely retrieve the UAV.

Low airspeed warning

In case of Low airspeed warning do the following:

1.Check the wind speed on primary display.

2.Determine whether a gusty wind is affecting the flight.

3.Use the airspeed override accordingly.

Thermal weather

If you fly in the vicinity of the strong thermals and the plane cannot maintain commanded altitude nor airspeed do the following:

1.Check the climb indicator on primary display.

2.Use airspeed override to increase the speed if needed.

3.Search for alternative place to descend/ascend.

4.At new site check the climb indicator.

Extreme weather / approaching storm

During the mission weather changes and it can exceed UAV limitations.

1.Fly away from the storm towards landing point.

2.Increase UAV airspeed if necessary.

3.Descend to safe altitude and prepare for landing.

4.Land with caution due to potential strong winds.

5.Recover and protect the UAV.

Other aircraft in the vicinity

If during the mission other aircraft come in the vicinity of UAV act with extreme caution.

1.Stay away from flight path of other aircrafts.

2.Use loiter mode and altitude override to move away.

3.In case of danger of collision pop the parachute.

General uav failure/ malfunction

In rare cases, when the UAV may not desirably respond from inputs of UAV operator:

1.Check the UAV behavior

2.Determine if UAV is still able to be maneuvered with commands from GCS

3.Try to move the UAV to safe location

4.Pop the parachute when the UAV is above safe area

5.Safely retrieve the UAV

NOTE: Determine if the UAV is correctly behaving in T point at safe area prior moving to mission.
