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Speed override

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SPEED OVERRIDE overrides current UAV's speed value.

Speed override mode.

Speed override mode.

Speed override is available during the flight.

NOTE: Override mode is automatically activated the moment Speed Override dialog is opened. On open, dialog displays current UAV's air speed value.

Speed Override Dialog - Changes in speed are instantly uploaded to the UAV.

Speed Override Dialog - Changes in speed are instantly uploaded to the UAV.

Change speed value

Changes in speed are automatically uploaded to the UAV.

Speed override mode.

Speed override mode.

Press OK button to stay in override mode.

Press CANCEL button to exit override mode.

IMPORTANT: Speed override remains active when changing between autopilot flight modes.

Exit override mode

To exit override mode you should open Speed Override dialog and select CANCEL button.

If override was applied during navigation mode the UAV adjusts its flying parameters to the destination waypoint settings.