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Altitude override

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WARNING: Use altitude override in small increments. Big climbs may lead to engine overheating and engine failure.

ALTITUDE OVERRIDE overrides current UAV's altitude value.

Altitude override mode.

Altitude override mode.

Altitude override is available during the flight.

NOTE: Altitude override is not allowed in land mode. Altitude override mode will be ignored if pressed during landing mode.

Override mode is automatically activated by opening of the Altitude Override dialog. On open, dialog displays current UAV's AGL value. The UAV's desired altitude is left unchanged.

NOTE: Observe UAV current altitude and desired altitude on the Flight Data panel when applying override.

When "+" or "-" buttons are pressed current UAV's AGL value is incremented/decremented by 1 m. Depending on the current UAV's location the UAV's desired altitude will be adjusted to a new value. After adjusting the altitude to a new desired altitude UAV maintains this altitude.

Desired altitude = Terrain elevation below the UAV at the moment of applying override + new AGL value

Altitude Override Dialog - Changes in altitude are instantly uploaded to the UAV.

Altitude Override Dialog - Changes in altitude are instantly uploaded to the UAV.

Change altitude value

Changes in altitude are automatically uploaded to the UAV.

Altitude override mode.

Altitude override mode.

Press OK button to stay in override mode.

Press CANCEL button to exit override mode.

IMPORTANT: Altitude override is automatically exited when changing between autopilot flight modes.

Exit override mode

To exit override mode you should open Altitude Override dialog and select CANCEL button.

Cancel of altitude override during navigation mode adjusts the desired altitude to the destination waypoint MSL altitude.

IMPORTANT: Cancel of altitude override during home mode, rally mode, loiter mode or take-off mode adjusts the desired altitude to the desired altitude of the UAV at the moment of entering in one of these autopilot modes.