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Take-off mode

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Take-off mode

Take-off mode

In take-off mode the UAV  initiates countdown when correct pitch is detected. After countdown engine revs to 20% and then to full throttle. When the engines starts the UAV immediately continues to fly to Take-off point (T) and during the flight adjusts its altitude to the defined take-off altitude and the defined take-off speed.

The UAV loiters around T point with the default radius of 100 m. Take-off point is removed from the map once the UAV changes flying mode from Take-off mode to some other mode (Navigation mode, Home mode etc.)

Information - Preparing for Take Off.

Information - Preparing for Take Off.

When TAKE OFF button is pressed first message Preparing for Take Off is shown. Next message that appears is Ready for Take Off. Only after message Ready for take off appears the operator can proceed with releasing the catapult.  

Information - Ready for Take Off.

Information - Ready for Take Off.

After message Ready for take off appears, then the UAV can be safely launched.  

WARNING: If ready for take off message does not appear, do not continue with launch. The confirmation (UAV is ready and waiting for launch) was not received yet.