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Map source 1 & 2

Choose map for each map source. Operator has an option to select two different map providers. During operation Map toggle button enables switching between the sources.

You can select desired map from the list of available map sources. Maps are downloaded from the Internet and stored on the local disk for later use.

You can create and use your own custom maps as a background of C³P. C³P recognizes raster map tiles in TMS (Tile Map Service) format. To create TMS maps from your georeferenced map images such as GeoTiffs we suggest use of MapTiler or Global Mapper. TMS tiles have to be placed in a new folder created in %APPDATA%\C-Astral\gmapcache\Custom\.To access the folder press Custom map folder button in Custom map section. The name of the new folder will appear on top of the list of available maps in C³P.

WARNING: Filtering applies corrections to altitudes and at the same time removes noise. Be careful when applying filter.

Current zoom

Current zoom level.

Prefetch up to zoom

You can download a bigger part of the map up to specified zoom level for later use. Change maximum zoom level and a button with "Fetch N tiles for offline use" will appear. You can close Settings dialog and download will continue in the background. Notice the notification on Log Panel about map download status.

NOTE: Map will be prefetched only for currently selected map. Selected map is grayed out over Map source.

Queued tiles

When you start fetching map tiles you can monitor the progress through this field. The queue is showing the number of remaining tiles to be downloaded.

WARNING: It can take quite some time to download all maps. Some providers have limits on how many tiles can be downloaded in one day.

Fetch map for offline use

Downloads the tiles for currently viewed area.

Map settings

Elevation model



Elevation source

Select default elevation model. Three options are available:

Aster GDEM 2


Aster GDEM 3

WARNING: Do not switch between models after planning the mission.


Filter/smoothing for elevation model.

Show elevation model grid

Displays currently downloaded elevations. When this check-box is selected blue transparent overlay will be displayed on  the map.

Queued elevations

Showing the elevations that need to be downloaded

Fetch elevations for offline use

Downloads the elevations for currently viewed area.

Elevation model

Custom maps



Custom maps folder

Opens the folder to copy the TMS formatted custom map.

Map source under custom map

Select the under layered map for custom map.