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Post processing

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Use POST PROCESSING to adjust parameters and start processing of geospatial data.

Post Processing.

Post Processing.

IMPORTANT: Before starting post-processing exit the flight simulation mode. In Settings dialog, UAV tab check Autopilot check-box (leave the drop-down menu empty) and press OK to close the dialog.


Bramor ppX systems use PPK (Post Processing Kinematic) method to achieve maximum photo position accuracy.

The purpose of post-processing is to combine data from OPH board, RAW satellite data log from the UAV (Rover Log) and Base Station Log or VRS (Virtual Reference Station) system.

OPH board log is obtained from the UAV during the flight. You have to save it to C-Astral Photo Log format and load it into the processing machine.

NOTE: Default data from OPH log has position error approximately 10 m.


In order to perform post-processing Septentrio products must be installed on your computer:

oRX Tools

oSeptentrio SDK

oSeptentrio SDK license

You can download them from

Septentrio License Dongle is provided with the system and has to be inserted in the computer to run post-processing. You can install SDK license on several computers, but you always have to insert the Dongle into USB port of the computer that will run post-processing computation.

If the dongle is missing you will get a message that the dongle was not found and the processing will not be performed.

Post processing

Rover log is found on the USB key that is inserted in the UAV during the flight. It is possible to attach USB key also after the flight, power on the UAV and then wait few minutes until rover logs are transferred to the USB key.

Base station log has to be downloaded from the base station. It can be in SBF (Septentrio Binary Format) or RINEX format.

Photos have to be copied from the camera memory card to the local hard drive.