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Navigation: C³P software > Camera settings > Post processing

Post processing window

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Post Processing dialog.

Post Processing dialog.




Selected camera

This shows which camera is selected for post processing. This field must match the camera used in flight.

Selected airframe

This shows which airframe is selected for post processing.

Rover log

Locate the rover.sbf file by pressing three dots.

Once the file is opened the software will analyze the file and write the information regarding the file. Information contains the number of pictures registered by the receiver named EVENTS.

Label START displays GNSS time of first registered captured photo.

Label DURATION calculates the time from the first detected event until the last one.


Once the rover file is analyzed GNSS information can be extracted from the file. This will extract non precise GNSS coordinates and replace them in log file.

NOTE: Extracted data has by default specified position error 5 m.

Base Finder

​Opens dialog to automatic search for most relevant base station data from permanent GNSS network.

Base station sbf,

Rinex files

Locate the Rinex of .sbf files from the base station, that overlap the time UAV was recording pictures. If the Rinex files are selected the C3P will convert them to.sbf format.

Set Fixed Point

Pressing this opens the dialog where coordinates of base station must be entered. The dialog accepts ellipsoidal coordinates.

Pictures Folder

Location of the UAV after landing displayed in Google Earth (values are being updated during the flight).


Different options for post processing.

APPLY GEOID (EGM96). This will change heights from ellipsoid to orthometric heights on EGM96 geoid.

NOTE: Errors could occur if coordinate systems specified in Post processing dialog differs from the ones used in post processing software. Make sure they are both correctly specified when data processing.

If you want to apply antenna offset between GNSS receiver and camera use APPLY ANTENNA OFFSET. This will apply approximate offset, if possible use this option in post processing software.

WRITE EXIF if you want to add additional information directly to pictures. More information you can find here.

GNSS antenna type is read from the .sbf file and displayed above progress bar.

Status bar

Shows the progress of post processing. Write exif takes a long time to complete.


Clears all the information from previous processing.


Button appears when all available information is added and the precise coordinates can be calculated.

NOTE: Once the data is processed accuracies and positon error will be calculated according to available data.

Flight summary data