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Clear log

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CLEAR LOG clears OPH log file.

WARNING: It is advised that this operation is performed after the photos are erased from the camera.

Clear OPH log.

Clear OPH log.

During the flight it is not expected to delete the log because this will cause the loss of data needed for post processing. The log should be deleted after the photos are downloaded from the UAV to the computer (once on the ground).

In case the user has forgotten to clear the photos before take-off the clearing can be done during the flight but strictly before starting the camera.

Confirm clearing of OPH photo log. During deletion the Photos button shows no data and other camera buttons are disabled (Camera On/Off and Manual/Auto Camera switch are non responsive). When the log is empty number 0 is shown on the Photos button.

Confirm clearing of OPH photo log.

Confirm clearing of OPH photo log.

During the flight and camera triggering OPH log file is saved on UAV and also saved and constantly updated as part of the C³P settings (which is visible on the Photos menu button). The file is also saved to the PhotoLog folder either after the events are deleted with the Clear Photo log button or when the download of the events is started due to the program restart during the flight/camera triggering.

IMPORTANT: During the flight, when the camera is triggering is turned on, button Clear log is hidden. Clearing log could be done when the camera is turned off.

IMPORTANT: It's advised that during the flight the log is not cleared, because this could cause mismatch in logged GNSS data, OPH data and pictures. It is not possible to process mismatched data.