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Folders tab in the configurations shows the location of  folders used by C3P on the computer.  Some locations can be moved by pressing on the three dots. By pressing Open button file explorer will open selected folder.




Log folder

Log folder contains telemetry data from each flight.

IMPORTANT: Location of folder can not be moved.

Open button opens folders location in Windows Explorer.

Photo log folder

OPH (orthophoto board) logs are automatically saved to this folder.

OPH log file is saved to the Photo log folder either after the OPH events are deleted with the Clear Photo log button or during the download of OPH events to C³P due to the program restart during camera triggering.

Open button opens folders location in Windows Explorer.

Video Folder

Recorded videos are saved to this folder.

Open button opens folders location in Windows Explorer.

Snapshot folder

Video snapshots are saved to this folder.

Open button opens folders location in Windows Explorer.
