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Use PHOTOS button to open Photos menu.

Photos Menu.

Photos Menu.

In this section we will explain how to operate with telemetry data associated with each photo taken by the UAV. Orthophoto Board (OPH) on UAV takes care of camera triggering and logging of telemetry data for each photo.

Number of photos.

Number of


The number that appears on PHOTOS Menu shows the current number of the entries in OPH photo log. If photos menu contains two numbers - for example "545 of 555" - then the photo log is being downloaded from OPH board to C³P. Total number of photos is 555 and 545 of them have already been downloaded.

WARNING: It is recommended that the photo log is saved at the end of each session to C-Astral Photo Log format. This format can be later loaded, post-processed and exported into any format of photogrammetry software that is supported by C³P.

NOTE: Post processing is explained in the Post processing chapter.