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Post processing report

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After processing is completed C3P outputs processing report. Report contains brief overview of processing containing information about the processing and the quality. User can this way quickly evaluate if the parameters for processing were set correctly and verify the results it got by the process.

Different variations of processing report are generated according to the input data.




Date of report

Date of processing


Type of payload used

Number of images


C-Astral photo log


Number of projections

Number of projections overlapping in the flight

General Information




Output coordinate system

Type of output coordinate system

Rover file

Name of GNSS rover file.

Rover overview

Number of events, start time of events and logging duration during the sensor capturing.

Rover antenna

Type of GNSS antenna used on the UAV

Base files

List of base files used for processing.

Base overview

Start, duration of base log and sampling interval of base-station.

Base location

Name of  the base and coordinates of base point.

Base antenna

Base antenna type read from base files and antenna to base reference point offset.

Apply antenna offset

Applied antenna offset.

Write exif

Exif info added to pictures.

Processing Overview





Number of matches between rover events, pictures and OPH logs.

Solution type

Percentage of time GNNS rover data corrections from base.

Mean accuracy (2σ)

Mean accuracy of the processed data.

Final status

Any warnings during the processing and other statuses.

Output file

Processed file.

Quality indicators