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Navigation: C³P software > Camera settings

Manual/Auto switch

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Use CAMERA SWITCH button to toggle between automatic and manual triggering modes.

Automatic Triggering Enabled.

Automatic Triggering Enabled.

Camera is automatically triggered only above the area of interest. The camera is not active when the UAV is changing the flight direction and turning around the waypoints.

Automatic mode works when mapping Area or Street area. When flying above individually added waypoints (part of the flight plan you create when in WAYPTS drawing mode) you must use manual mode and trigger the camera manually.

IMPORTANT: If you want to stop camera triggering press Camera On/Off toggle button. The camera mode is automatically changed to manual.

Manual Triggering Enabled

Manual Triggering Enabled

In manual mode camera is manually controlled with Camera On/Off toggle button.

IMPORTANT: If you expect that you will lose communication during the mission, for example because of plane flying behind a hill, use manual camera switch and leave Camera on during entire mission.

Distance and time camera triggering

While testing camera on ground, camera will automatically use time triggering. Time triggering means that the time interval between two consecutive photos will be used as the triggering parameter.

During the flight over the area camera will use distance triggering. Distance triggering means that the distance between two consecutive photos will be used as the triggering parameter.