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Navigation: Launching system > Handheld launcher 1000

Disarming HH launcher

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If you need to abort the launch follow this procedure only!


Setting HH 1000 - Releasing the leaver

Setting HH 1000 - Releasing the leaver

1. To disarm the launcher first remove the UAV from UAV seating.

IMPORTANT:UAV needs to be in safe mode before this step!


Then you need to put the selector in the RELASE position. If needed apply pressure on the leaver in a clockwise direction to release the tension on the selector.

Hold the force with an arming lever and release the brown button.
Now you carefully hold the leaver and slowly rotate it anti-clockwise.


Setting HH 1000 - Releasing the string

Setting HH 1000 - Releasing the string

2. When you reach the start position turn the launcher around and press the leaver on  the red dot section to release string.


From this point on you can safely disassemble the launcher.