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Handheld launcher 1000

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Handheld launcher for Atlas UAV enables the operator to have quick and reliable launches.

Technical data



4.6 kg

Launching force

1000 N


W 0.8 m

L 0.9 m

H 0.3 m

Handheld launcher 1000



Handheld launcher 1000  - Details: 1. UAV Seating, 2. Release mechanism, 3. Winch handle storing attachment, 4.Selector button, 5.Stock, 6.Winch, 7.Grip,  8.Safety button, 9. Trigger, 10.Foregrip, 11.Release button, 12.String,13. Lim, 14.Front support, 15. Latch

Handheld launcher 1000  - Details: 1. UAV Seating, 2. Release mechanism, 3. Winch handle storing attachment, 4.Selector button, 5.Stock, 6.Winch, 7.Grip,
8.Safety button, 9. Trigger, 10.Foregrip, 11.Release button, 12.String,13. Lim, 14.Front support, 15. Latch