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Sensor init

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SENSOR INIT calibrates UAV's sensors.

IMPORTANT: Initialize sensors just before the take-off and before waypoints are uploaded. Check the pre-flight procedure steps in Check List.

Sensor Init.

Sensor Init.

Before take-off you must initialize the sensors. This will calibrate the pitot tube, static pressure, set Home position and check the system for potential faulty readings.

WARNING: GNSS lock has to be acquired before this step. Ensure that the plane is still, leveled on the ground and pitot cover is on during this phase.


After pressing Sensor Init calibration pitot tube must be covered and system still.

In the first part of calibration AP sensor's check is performed.

Sensor Calibration - Fist part sensor of calibration.

Sensor Calibration - Fist part sensor of calibration.

When first part is completed the operator must check If pitot tube is functioning well.

C3P urges the operator to press on pitot tube to ensure connection between the pitot and the sensor.

Sensor Calibration - Second part of calibration (press on pitot tube).

Sensor Calibration - Second part of calibration (press on pitot tube).


IMPORTANT: After successful sensor initialization note the “Zero pressure” log panel message. It shows the average air-speed measurements. This value should be close to 0. For example, if this value is 2 m/s then the UAV will fly 2 m/s slower than it should which might cause it to stall. Usually the positive offset means that entered temperature was too high and vice versa.

Sensor failure

Sensor failure warning can appear on Log Panel if the plane is not leveled on the ground or was moved or shaken during Sensor Init procedure.

Try to repeat the procedure and observe if messages appear again. If sensor failure message persists then it is not safe to fly. Contact C-Astral support.

Elevation offset

During Sensor Init procedure DEM altitude of the UAV's launch point is compared with the altitude received from GNSS signal. If DEM altitude of the launch point is different from the altitude acquired from GNSS signal the difference is used to adjust mean sea level (MSL) values of a flight plan. User is notified in case the elevation offset was added to the elevation of a flight plan.

IMPORTANT: If the offset is larger than 20 m it is necessary to check whether the GNSS lock was weak (repeat Sensor Init procedure) or the offset is in accordance with the altitudes stated on the maps. If offset is more than 30 m, C3P will assume that elevation was not downloaded or elevation model is corrupted and will not allow Take Off command.

Elevation offset value is displayed on Log Panel.

Log Panel - Notification.

Log Panel - Notification.