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Saving a file on your local drive.



*.pfp (C³P Flight Plan) - Saves all waypoints including H/T/R/P/L points, areas/street areas and mission settings.

NOTE: C³P Configuration settings are not saved as part of the flight plan.

*.kml - Saves flight plan in KML format that can be viewed in Earth browser programs like Google Earth.

*.csv (C-Astral Photo Log) - Official C³P Photo log format.

WARNING: Save photo log to C-Astral Photo Log format first and later export it to other formats.

Export to log formats of selected photogrammetry software.

o3D Survey

o Agisoft Photoscan

o Pix4D

o Ensomosaic

o PIEneering

o Menci

o Orbit

o Correlator 3D

NOTE: Some formats require link between log entry and the file. In that case additional dialog "Select Pictures Folder" is opened where the photos from camera memory card can be found.


Opening a file.



*.pfp (C³P flight plan) -  Contains all waypoints including H/T/R/P/L points, areas/street areas and mission settings.

NOTE: C³P Configuration settings are not saved as part of the flight plan.

*.kml or *.kmz - Contains areas or routes drawn in Google Earth or similar Earth browser program. The imported area or route is automatically converted to C³P area or route. Number of points is automatically reduced to simplify resulting flight plan.

*.csv (C-Astral Photo Log) - Photo log saved immediately after the flight mission and later loaded again to perform post-processing or exporting to a different photo log format.

*.fpf (Virtual Cockpit flight plan) - Older versions of flight plans. Kept for backward compatibility.