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Trellisware/ microhard GCS ID

This feild is showed only if Trellisware  ID is typed in UAV ID feild. The GCS ID from the label found on the GCS. For example: GCS ID 6.184.


Additional options are:


Ethernet to connect via Ethernet adapter (changes configuration on computer's Ethernet adapter to be able to connect to GCS)

Wifi 2 GCS (changes configuration on computer  Wi-Fi adapter to be able to connect to GCS)

Wifi 2 Internet (changes the configuration on computer's Wi-Fi adapter to be able to connect to internet)

GCS GNSS (optional)

If GNSS is part of the GCS system and you want to update home position with your current position then enable it here. Select proper device serial port or IP port.

Antenna tracker (optional)

Antenna tracker is normally automatically detected. When the antenna tracker is selected option to park antenna is shown near the window. Park puts Antenna tracker in default position.


If radios that use internal GNNS receiver are used, then the home position of the GCS can be updated by radio receiver. Select proper device serial port or IP port.

Use device location for GCS GPS

If laptop/tablet has built in GNSS receiver, the home location can be updated by using the internal location information.

Allow remote viewing (beta version may contain bugs)

Option to allow operations being viewed from another C3P.

Allow remote payload control (beta version may contain bugs)

Option to allow payload control from remote point.

Allow remote flight planning (beta version may contain bugs)

Option to allow edit and create flight plan from remote connection.

Allow full remote control (beta version may contain bugs)

Option to allow full remote control from remote connection.

Reset password

Reset password changes the password for remote payload control.

GCS settings.