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UAS needs to be maintained and stored according to this section. Bad storage can cause damage to the system and potentially can lead to system failure.

Always after flight make sure that the system is wiped clean and dried. Then store it in dry environment. Humidity can cause corrosion and damage to the electronics.



Min Value

Max Value


15 °C

25 °C

Relative humidity



Table of UAS storage temperature and humidity.

After flight visually inspect the system for any dirt and possible damages. Use damped cloth to clean the dirt of the UAV. Visually inspect the connectors on the wings and fuselage. Use electrical contact cleaner to clean the connectors to ensure good communication between wing servos and the AP.

The system with the exception of parachutes and batteries is best stored inside transport cases. Use silica bags to remove humidity.

Parachute storage is described under Parachute Storing chapter.