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How to use the checklist

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IMPORTANT: Always use the checklist for every flight. Checklist ensures that every procedure is made safely and in correct order. If you need to stop the procedure, do not start from the last step but return back to the start of the checklist.

Checklist has multiple chapters. Description of the chapters can be found below.

Office checklist

Here the operator can find checklist that will help him to prepare the system for the flight. Inside this checklist are steps that operator has to do when he decides to prepare the system for flight. It contains the list of equipment that need to be charged before the flight and the data that needs to be gathered to verify the flight.

Packing checklist

This chapter contains the list of all the components of the system used for flight. Operator can verify that he will bring all the equipment needed for flight to the field.

NOTE: Packing checklist for the specific UAS is provided in the printed document "UAS Checklist" included with the purchased UAS package. For packing details refer to printed checklist.

Preflight checklist

Steps written in this chapter need to be followed exactly to ensure that the system is set up and used correctly.

In-flight checklist

In flight checklist describes the steps needed to be checked during the flight. However the use of UAV during the flight may vary and also the steps due to that could change.

Landing checklist

During landing user must be careful and follow this list. The checklist describes the automatic landing procedure that would ensure correct landing of the UAV.

Post flight checklist

Steps written in this checklist are the steps to verify gathered data and state of the UAV.

Camera Operating modes

Emergency situation checklist

In case of emergency or unwanted behavior user can check this checklist. Here are the instructions on what to do or hoe to act in case of any unwanted behavior.


The chapter contains information regarding different speeds (cruise, stall, never exceed speed).

Weather Limitations

Operator can verify that the weather limitations written in this chapter are met when flying and setting up the system.

Density Altitude Restrictions

Diagram describing the air density limitations in regards with MSL altitude and temperature.

UAV ID card

Here the personal information regarding the system using this checklist are held.

Flight Logbook

The operator can fill in the information regarding the cumulative flight time and different missions in this chapter.

Service Book

This chapter is intended for UAV manufacturer to be filled in when the system is shipped back to service.