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Accident report protocol

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Accident definition

An accident is occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.


If there is no collateral damage, no injuries

Do not disturb crash site and take detailed photos.

Copy telemetry file from directory: C:\Users\{Computer_Name}\AppData\Roaming\C-Astral\log

Fill out Accident Report Form.

Send photos, telemetry file and accident report in digital form to C-Astral support team.


If there is collateral damage, no injuries

Do not disturb crash site and take detailed photos.

Notify emergency services if necessary (power lines, gas pipes, etc.)

Contact the owners of the hit object.

Copy telemetry file from directory: C:\Users\{Computer_Name}\AppData\Roaming\C-Astral\log

Fill out Accident Report Form.

Send photos, telemetry file and accident report in digital form to C-Astral support team.


If there is collateral damage with possible injuries

Make a perimeter around the crash site.

Notify emergency services, if possible, help the injured within first aid limits and without risking your own life.

Do not disturb crash site and take detailed photos.

Contact the owners of the hit object.

Copy telemetry file from directory: C:\Users\{Computer_Name}\AppData\Roaming\C-Astral\log

Fill out Accident Report Form.

Send photos, telemetry file and accident report in digital form to C-Astral support team.