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Navigation: Operational limitations

Weather limitations

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IMPORTANT: It is strictly prohibited to fly into clouds, stormy or rainy weather. Flight into IMC conditions is prohibited.

NOTE: Weather conditions monitoring should start at least two days before flight operations.

Weather conditions


Wind speed on ground

Max. 8 m/s

Wind speed on flight altitude

Max. 15 m/s ( when average wind is 15 m/s gusts could be reaching up to 20 m/s)

NOTE: Wind conditions apply for steady winds. Extremely gusty winds are not suitable for flight.

Minimum operating air temperature

-25 °C

NOTE: If below zero conditions do not expose the system to negative temperatures for more than 10 minutes before starting with the flight.

Minimum sensor temperature

0 °C

Maximum operating air temperature

+45 °C

NOTE: If above 25 °C do not expose the system to direct sunlight and start the flight within 10 minutes time. The system cools itself down during operation.


5% - 95%


more than 1 km

Cloud Coverage

Flight into clouds is prohibited (please read more about cloud coverage in the section below)

Prohibited weather conditions

Fog, Rain, Snow

Prohibited environmental conditions

Wet mud, Water

Weather limitations.

IMPORTANT: Cloud coverage will create a diminished luminosity and earth radiance situation, so sensor data could be affected. Flight into clouds is strictly prohibited. Clouds are dangerous and flying into them can result in total system loss due to icing, extreme turbulence and signal attenuation.

IMPORTANT: UAV prior the flight must be set up in shade on a hot day. The UAV during the flight will cool itself down to be able to fly in operational limitations.