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Navigation: Overview of UAVs > Options and Extras > Base station Altus NR2

Connecting to the Web Interface

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The Altus NR2/NR3 can be fully configured and monitored using the Web Interface. Any WiFi device that supports a web browser can connect to the Altus NR2/NR3 via the Web Interface. The Altus NR2/NR3 identifies itself as a wireless network or an access point by default. The procedure to connect to the Altus NR2 over WiFi is given in the steps below.

1.Wait till Altus NR2/NR3 has fully booted after switching on (about 20 seconds).

2.Make sure that the front-panel WiFi LED is lit indicating WiFi is enabled.

3.On your device, find the wireless network named ‘Altus NR2-Serial Number where ‘Serial Number’ is the 7-digit serial number of the Altus NR2/NR3. No password is set by default.

4.Open a browser and type the IP in the address bar. The browser will land on the ‘Overview’ page of the Web Interface.