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About C-Astral

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C-Astral is an aerospace company based in Ajdovščina, Slovenia, the “hub” of advanced aerospace development and integration in this part of Central Europe. The company is a global market leader with established reputation in the specialized, fixed wing small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) manufacturing and services field, with a specific focus on high productivity, endurance, surveying and remote sensing.


C-Astral established a multidisciplinary software and hardware laboratory for aerodynamics and systems integration work and a prototyping CAD/CAM workshop facility for composite materials manufacturing and modeling and the team has been pioneering UAS integrated solutions ahead of the market curve since 1999.


C-Astral’s customer base is diversified between the commercial UAS operators, larger institutional networks, scientific users as well as government entities. Currently, C-Astral systems are flying with several sovereign entities on force protection, border protection, fire control and surveillance operations on four continents and more than hundred commercial and scientific operators globally.


C-Astral systems are now flying over all continents, including extreme environments such as high altitude open-pit mines, deserts, mountains, Antarctica, over the Arctic and global agricultural lands.